03/04/23 06:00PM
Announcements page.
03/04/23 06:02PM
Bans made after 1 warning within 3 months. Loli/shota is ban with no warning!
We will now ban any account that breaks the same major rule after given a warning.

Please note if you upload real or loli/shota we will ban right away, because everyone knows by now not to do this, this is already clear.

The reason for this is an increase of rule breaking which is causing too much work and users ignoring warnings.

So you get one fair warning, if you do the exact same thing again it's a ban because this kind of content threatens this websites existence and anyone doing that is obviously not welcome.

7th March, just had our first shota ban, we will do it.
12/15/23 04:22PM
Anon commenting used to complain.
Comments are supposed to be talking about the art, chatting and having fun, this is a more relaxed site, so especially here there should be no complaining, this is a chill site, wtf you come to a chill site aggressively complaining using Anon, go back to Twitter.

Anon comments are not for complaints and whining, they will be removed and I will remove them entirely if need be, complaints go in my inbox where they belong, I do listen and make changes based on feedback if it makes sense, no one else is concerned and Anon complainers are bringing down the site vibe with complaints in the comments, that wont be tolerated.

02/21/24 05:11PM
Xbooru is being very slow and very clunky and erroring out every 3 deletions now, this means report function should not be used for any large reporting.

Instead either tag the image as real for real content, or just site mail me the links, it will be faster.

03/30/24 12:08AM
AI generation site watermarked content will be removed.

No free advertising for AI generation sites.
06/04/24 12:55AM
Prohibited tags
Anyone not reporting prohibited content, but instead tagging prohibited content will be banned, you are not helping at all, you are helping people find prohibited content which helps the bad actors, you are part of the problem instead of helping.

Report it using Flag for deletion, this achieves something.

Do not use tags unless instructed to do so.

Remember underage tags are not allowed.
07/03/24 07:44AM
Loli/shota is a ban offense, I wont be warning anymore, I'll be banning, avoid anything close to it please.
07/04/24 03:52AM
Don't feed the trolls
Reminder to please don't feed trolls or tag vandals, they are mentally ill people, they don't need encouragement by being noticed doing their insane delusions.

I will remove anyone found trying to reason or talk with them, you're trying to reason with an unreasonable person, this is pointless.

So is fixing the tags, simply site mail me their account, I'll have it reverted easily.

I will undo everything they do easily with my tools, it's all very futile, I've been doing this for over a decade, this is nothing new to me, I've dealt with far more.

This includes anon mentioning the trolls, you are feeding them, stop giving them any attention.
08/26/24 03:22AM
Xbooru has been updated!
Xbooru has new and improved tools for dealing with nuisances, especially good for dealing with insane idiots who achieve nothing by pathetically attempting to further an idiotic agenda.

Vandals, It's not going to work :)

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